Tuesday, December 23, 2008

As Christmas approaches and then arrives, I find myself wishing more and more that my family was here, or I were with them. Not my host family, not my training family, but MY Family. I miss you all a ton, and things can get lonely without the people you identify. Reading doesn´t take the edge off, you can only run for so many hours a day, eating makes you tired, drinking is expensive, and watching the Bears beat the Pack REALLY made me want to be curled up at home watching on the TV at home instead of my little TV in the pharmacy. I guess I just have to deal. As quickly as the holidays have come they will go. In the mean time at least the weather´s nice.

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I will wake up for an early run, come back and do some quick shopping before I attempt to cook Oatmeal and softboiled eggs for the twelve people in the house right now (a mere 4 more than usual). Soon I´ll be in the middle of a surfing vacation with warm waves crashing around me and fireworks above. I´ve got bigger fish to fry!

Love you all, Merry Christmas, Happy Chanukah, and an immensely Happy New Year


Unknown said...
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Lori said...

A belated Merry Christmas, Owen. Janie, Em, and I had our Holiday plans altered 100% when Hwy 94 just a bit south of Eau Claire was snow covered and slippery. When we saw four cars in the ditch, we decided to drive a harrowing 35 mph to the next exit only to have the service station lady say that the roads were worse farther south.

So we turned around and celebrated Christmas Eve in Mpls. We were glad that we made it back unharmed. Then saw, "Slumdog Millionaire" at the movie theatre. Great film. Christmas was spent with Julie (remember her?)and her family. All in all, our unplanned Christmas was great, though we too missed spending it with our family.

Your dad, mom, and Lena will be heading to Trego to celebrate New Years Eve. We'll be sure to include you in our toast for a happy and healthy New Year. We miss you too, O.


Unknown said...

Dear O,
Am just getting up to speed on the moderately high-tech aspects of staying in touch with you during your time in Nicaragua.

We, of course, miss you, but we also know that you and all the other PC volunteers all over the world are doing important work. Work that stands such a greater chance of bringing peace to our world that all the actions of the Defense Department combined. We are so proud of you, Owen!

I noticed that Lori already described the odyssey of our
Christmas travels and mentioned that your folks and Lena will be with us in Trego for New Year's. I think there is a group phone call planned so that we can be at least telephonically (???) connected with you there.

Love and all the best to you, O!

Unknown said...

Hey Owen, its Emily. I thought i'd say hi on here along with the rest of the family. We hope to go to the cabin soon (if weather permits). I will miss your presence up there like always; it's just not the same when we're missing one of the key Clampets. Hope you have a very happy new year!

Unknown said...

I'm catching up on your blog posts ... especially taken by this most recent one. I remember the first Christmas I was away from my family ... dare I say, the ONLY Christmas I was away from my family. It was painful, as I recall ... and I wouldn't opt to do it often. Still, you are having such an incredible experience there ... and being lonesome is most likely part of what the PC stint will offer you ... and from it, you'll learn things. Enough. Just my thoughts on this post... and unspoken thoughts about family and comfort and such.