Thursday, September 11, 2008

A week of scorching days can so easily be sedated and forgotten by one good afternoon of rain. The rising and re-rising dust is replaced by low lying clouds. Everyone sits on their porch, dances to otherwise loud music rendered inoffensive by the rain, and enjoy whatever solitude is gained by incliment weather. Good rainstorms are the Nicaraguan equivelant to a foot and a half of snow: too much to voluntarily leave the house, but not legally enough to close school. Nearly falling victim to the utility of a good excuse I forgot about tomorrow´s class until after dinner.

Before the rain I had a great melding of both my worlds. My institute is funded by the coffee exporter I work for. Today the exporter invited all of their local growers, recognized students, and school officials for a thank you and a presentation. I got a little thank you, the type given to a relative for warm wool socks on christmas. Although I think I´ll be fine without wool socks for the duration of my service, my fleece pants and long sleeve shirt feel just right. Even goldilocks would be jealous.


Pat Reynolds said...

Did you just add the disclaimer that now precedes your blog--or did I never notice it?

Lori said...

Interesting perception, Pat. Hmm...I didn't notice it until your highlight. As they say, "Inneresting..."